Helping People Understand Science
Everyday new discoveries are being made and lots of articles being produced about these discoveries. The overwhelming amount of information can cause a lot of confusion for the public. A lot of the information that gets attention isn't actually true and even after scientists refute it, people hold onto it. Others are extremely stubborn and closed minded. There are lots of different factors that go into what a person believes and why they believe it. Today, the gap between the two sides of an argument are getting more polarized. Let's take environmental protection. In a survey conducted by Pew Research, it's shown that Republican and Democratic opinions on what should happen has never been at a greater distance. It's important for people to understand what's actually happening and not believing everything they hear from any source.
Many people have a hard time understanding science because it's in terms they can't understand. These topics are complex with lots of nitty gritty details that don't make sense to non professionals. The information needs to be spread in simpler ways, like a great example is an aquarium. Basic information about the animals inside is shown in a way that makes sense to lots of people. At the National Aquarium in Baltimore, there's tons of animals living in the tanks. Each species has it's own plack to tell you about the animal and the role it plays in its ecosystem. There are great museums like the Museum of Life and Science in Durham where there are exhibits on things from dinosaurs to butterflies
In our UCO, we have tried to help people understand science by bringing kids in and teaching them about what came before us through field trips. We've made paintings that show how what we do has on impact on multiple different aspects of life, not just our own. Every little bit helps and it's important that we recognize how important it is for people to understand the role they play in spreading knowledge.
I agree with you. I believe that politics can easily get in the way of saving the planet. Everyone should have a part in spreading knowledge to all ages.